Value Shares

$700 million+ in shares sold

60,000+ share sale customers

Secure & Confidential

Current Share Value - Free and Instant

Use this tool if you want to know what your shares are worth based on recent market pricing.

Your shares value will be based on the most recent closing price data. The share values are calculated after brokerage fees, assuming our “Value Service” is used.   More on brokerage fees here.  To be clear, this means we have taken brokerage into consideration in providing this share value estimate.

The price of shares fluctuates daily, so the actual proceeds from your share sale will be different to the number calculated here (higher or lower).  The price you actually receive for your shares is the value they are trading for at the moment we sell them (more on that here), net of brokerage costs.

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Share Price Calculator - Calculate Your Share Value

Fees for Selling Share Sales

Why You Need to Know the Value of Shares

Knowing the value of your shares is important for nearly all kinds of investors and traders. Share prices can change significantly from one day to the next, so it’s important to understand how much a particular share is worth if you are considering a trade.

Knowing a share’s value can provide insights into trading opportunities and optimal timing of buying or selling shares.

Our share value calculator uses live (20 minute delayed) market pricing, so you will have access to up-to-date share value data to inform your decision-making.

An understanding of the value of shares assists with determining if a stock is ‘overvalued’ or ‘undervalued’ compared to other shares and, if you already down that share, let you know the value of your holdings.

Being across share values is essential if you hold, or are planning on purchasing, a large holding of a specific share, so you can maximise your profits or minimise your spend.

It is always best to do your research and base your decisions on reliable and up-to-date market data.

The Sell My Shares share value calculator[#LINK] is a free and instant tool for anyone wanting to get up-to-date price and value of shares listed on the ASX.

If the timing is right, Sell My Shares can also assist you in selling your shares, providing a simple online and affordable broking service.

We Can Help Sell Your Shares

You will need a holding statement or dividend statement for the shares you are planning to sell. These documents include key information and holding numbers needed to execute your trade. Simply input these details into our online form and provide proof of identity when prompted or give us call and we will take care of the rest. It doesn’t matter what your situation is, we can help you sell your shares fast. Contact our experts today with any questions you have about share values or selling shares. We can also guide you through the process of selling your shares, if needed.