Sell Shares Held Through Computershare Share Registry

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Sell Shares Held Through Computershare Share Registry

Sell Computershare Shares

Computershare are the most common share registry used by Australian companies listed on the ASX.

Some of the more popular shares we sell such as IAG, AMP and Woolworths use Computershare to manage their share registries.

To sell your shares in companies that use Computershare as their share registry, you will need the Security Reference Number (SRN).  The SRN is unique to each particular share parcel.  So, if you own shares in IAG (example only), it will have an SRN identifier.  If your spouse also owns shares in IAG, they will have a different and unique SRN.

You can find your SRN on correspondences sent to you by Computershare, including Dividend Statements and Holding Statements.  Learn more about finding your SRN here.

Once you have your SRN, you can sell computershare shares using our online share sale process.

About Sell My Shares

Here at Sell My Shares we provide fast and easy ways to sell shares online. If you don’t know how to sell computershare shares, or what your shares are currently valued at, we can assist.

Use our simple and easy-to-use share valuation tool to find the value of your shares within seconds, or our secure online form to get started selling shares online. Our one off share sale service means that you don’t have to create a share trading account, or sign up to unnecessary memberships to sell shares.

We can process share sales held by individuals, joint holders, deceased estates, Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF), family trusts or companies.  Uniquely, we are able to sell both issuer and CHESS sponsored share holdings without opening an account.

The bottom line is that we have made the process of selling shares as quick and simple as possible. If you would like more information on the subject, visit our share sale blog to learn more about how to sell shares in Australia.